Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Super Snow Me

The snow kept coming last night and again today - it's just magical! I was walking home last night from the gym and the snow was falling and the footpaths were covered in snow, as was all the trees and houses, and just with the street lights it was so beautiful and peaceful.

And I was kind of covered in ice by the time I got home, but that's really beside the point. I took some photos this morning on my way to work so I'll try and post them later.

As to the news about work, one of the editors has resigned and will be leaving in a couple of weeks, at which point I will be taking over editing the Tracy Beaker website! Tracy Beaker is this show that is incredibly popular about some kid who is an orphan and lives in a kiddies home somewhere...and by the sounds of things she should probably stay locked up there. But that's really beside the point. The point is the website is very popular. So I'll be working with a designer and editing what the Tracy Beaker people send to us and making sure it's all up and online. And I'll keep writing for Stargate and CSI as well, which will keep me very very busy no doubt, but at least it's variety. As Gran used to say, "It's there for variety!" (*insert everyone else* "who is Variety? Where is Variety? If Variety isn't here then I can eat it!").

So fun and games and all that jazz.

Tracy Beaker - or TB as I've affectionately called her:) - will keep me going through til January. Stargate looks like it'll be finishing in August at this point, and CSI a bit after that.

And I had my first Yoga class last night and my back muscles are VERY VERY SORE today. Ouch ouch ouch. It's been a long time since I've used those. In fact, it's been a long time since I've used any muscles:). Some of the class was reminiscent of some gym training, but I can also see how a lot of it would be very beneficial to gymnasts if incorporated into training. *insert Gym Coach Mel here*

And now, back to all these things ... like writing a feature article about Angels. Riveting stuff, really.


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