White Men Can't Jump ... and White (English) Girls Can't Dance!
Is what I've learned from this weekend.
After a fairly boring week at work, Alice and I went to Tiger Tiger, this massive club in Picadilly, on Friday night. It's about four floors with different areas and really awesome boogie music! So needless to say Alice and I, after a jug of cocktails and cowboy shots (which were actually the equivalent of two shots in one glass), were the centre of attention on the dance floor.:) Those English girls just can't dance! I'm not sure whether it's because they've got no rhythm or were too worried about messing up their hair and make-up... but I'm sure it's my mission from God *insert the spirit of James Belushi* to teach them the ways of the boogie.

Me trying to look sexy when really all I look is drunk ... but it's okay, because I'm AWARE of it!:)

Alice and I in Picadilly
Sunday I decided to do some of the touristy things that I haven't done yet, and so headed off to the Tower of London, which was just incredible. It still hasn't sunk in just how old it is - parts of it are over 900 years old! The highlights were definitely the Crown Jewels, and the Bloody Tower, which has carvings in the walls from prisoners, including Walpole and Thomas Dudley. They Yeoman, the traditional guards of the Tower, were fantastic as well - they do tours but I didn't go on one, but I just stopped and listened if I came across them. Very dramatic speeches they give, and very fine livery they wear! Instead, I bought a tour book when I got my ticket, which proved to be really helpful. It's written in a logical order and it means I could go at my own pace around the complex. In all, to see everything thoroughly, it took me about 2 and a half hours. And I finally bought something for myself! A necklace from the Crown Jewels shop. I seem to be spending a lot of money on gifts for people ... and then the postage. Anyway, I highly recommend the Tower of London!

Tower of London from outside, with the Tower Bridge in the background

Inside one of the towers - this was probably a private chamber for a person of status

"Quoth the Raven" ... Legend has it when the crows/ravens/whatever fly away from the Tower, disaster will befall London. So the Yeomen keep their wings clipped, just in case...
Next stop was the National Gallery, which just blew my mind! They have some of the most famous pieces in the world there - Boticelli's "Venus and Mars", a whole heap of Van Gogh's (who I just adore - I bought a mini print of "Sunflowers", which just took my breath away), Monets, Cezannes (not as many as the Tate though), and they usually have a collection of Da Vincis, but apparently they're on loan in Italy at the moment. The building itself is as much a work of art as the collection it holds - it's absolutely stunning inside. Oh there were so many more amazing paintings but I can't remember them right now ... but I bought a book on the Masterpieces at the Gallery from the bookshop, to help job my memory later in life:D. Suffice it to say I could live in the National Gallery with nothing but the paintings around me and be the happiest girl in the world:).
And the light was better yesterday, so I got a few good pics of London:

Looking towards South Bank from the Houses of Parliament, we see the London Eye and the Aquarium, part of which houses the Dali museum, a planned stop next weekend!

Big Ben

The gates at Trafalga Square at the promenade leading to Buckingham Place and St James' Park

A view towards the city from St James' Park. In the mid-ground is the parade ground for the Royal Cavalry.
And now finally, here are some pics from the snow we've been getting a few times a week. These are taken on my way to work a couple of weeks ago:

View from my bedroom window

Lakes Road, which I walk down every day...

Just walkin'...
And I've forgotten my glasses today, so apologies if there are many a typo...
After a fairly boring week at work, Alice and I went to Tiger Tiger, this massive club in Picadilly, on Friday night. It's about four floors with different areas and really awesome boogie music! So needless to say Alice and I, after a jug of cocktails and cowboy shots (which were actually the equivalent of two shots in one glass), were the centre of attention on the dance floor.:) Those English girls just can't dance! I'm not sure whether it's because they've got no rhythm or were too worried about messing up their hair and make-up... but I'm sure it's my mission from God *insert the spirit of James Belushi* to teach them the ways of the boogie.

Me trying to look sexy when really all I look is drunk ... but it's okay, because I'm AWARE of it!:)

Alice and I in Picadilly
Sunday I decided to do some of the touristy things that I haven't done yet, and so headed off to the Tower of London, which was just incredible. It still hasn't sunk in just how old it is - parts of it are over 900 years old! The highlights were definitely the Crown Jewels, and the Bloody Tower, which has carvings in the walls from prisoners, including Walpole and Thomas Dudley. They Yeoman, the traditional guards of the Tower, were fantastic as well - they do tours but I didn't go on one, but I just stopped and listened if I came across them. Very dramatic speeches they give, and very fine livery they wear! Instead, I bought a tour book when I got my ticket, which proved to be really helpful. It's written in a logical order and it means I could go at my own pace around the complex. In all, to see everything thoroughly, it took me about 2 and a half hours. And I finally bought something for myself! A necklace from the Crown Jewels shop. I seem to be spending a lot of money on gifts for people ... and then the postage. Anyway, I highly recommend the Tower of London!

Tower of London from outside, with the Tower Bridge in the background

Inside one of the towers - this was probably a private chamber for a person of status

"Quoth the Raven" ... Legend has it when the crows/ravens/whatever fly away from the Tower, disaster will befall London. So the Yeomen keep their wings clipped, just in case...
Next stop was the National Gallery, which just blew my mind! They have some of the most famous pieces in the world there - Boticelli's "Venus and Mars", a whole heap of Van Gogh's (who I just adore - I bought a mini print of "Sunflowers", which just took my breath away), Monets, Cezannes (not as many as the Tate though), and they usually have a collection of Da Vincis, but apparently they're on loan in Italy at the moment. The building itself is as much a work of art as the collection it holds - it's absolutely stunning inside. Oh there were so many more amazing paintings but I can't remember them right now ... but I bought a book on the Masterpieces at the Gallery from the bookshop, to help job my memory later in life:D. Suffice it to say I could live in the National Gallery with nothing but the paintings around me and be the happiest girl in the world:).
And the light was better yesterday, so I got a few good pics of London:

Looking towards South Bank from the Houses of Parliament, we see the London Eye and the Aquarium, part of which houses the Dali museum, a planned stop next weekend!

Big Ben

The gates at Trafalga Square at the promenade leading to Buckingham Place and St James' Park

A view towards the city from St James' Park. In the mid-ground is the parade ground for the Royal Cavalry.
And now finally, here are some pics from the snow we've been getting a few times a week. These are taken on my way to work a couple of weeks ago:

View from my bedroom window

Lakes Road, which I walk down every day...

Just walkin'...
And I've forgotten my glasses today, so apologies if there are many a typo...
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