The Contraband Shorts of Dischord
What's wrong with this picture?
There's no bacon.
Also, apparently what I'm wearing in this photo is inappropriate for work. Or, more specifically, the shorts/trousers are apparently inappropriate.
Yes, today I was told not to wear these again as they are inappropriate for work. Despite the fact that they're pin-striped, cuffed, AND part of a suit (didn't wear the jacket - too hot) that I got from a rather nice store.
I questioned this of course - why are these appropriate when some of the girls wander in in little short skirts? 'Oh we'll be pulling up on that too, soon.'
So, the top of our priority list is not the low staff morale, the high staff turnover, the lack of understanding of 'duty of care'. No, that's right, it's girls wearing 'shorts'.
So the question is - do YOU think this in inappropriate? I'm interested in your thoughts.
Basically, it's on. 'Bring It On' style. Minus the cheerleaders.
My view is that they are not inappropriate for the workplace. I also think that if it is on "bring it on" style, there definitely should be cheerleaders. Everyone needs a good cheer every now and then!
I understand why they are in appropriate... it's cause they look so darn good that management are worried that they themselves cannot compete :)
Seriously though, Brisbane is a little backward though. Why do we need to wear suits in a city with 30+ temps?
FYI, I didn't comment on my own blog - that was my housemate who was too lazy to a) use her own 'puter, and b)log out from my blog!
Also, Ben - yes, the temperature thing was another thing I brought up. This town needs to get with the program... I think I can help them!:D
I don't think the pants are inappropriate, but the shirt might be a little casual for an office environment...
But what the heck do i know about fashion!
You have a case for discrimination. Are there any instructions in the employee manual about what to wear in the office? If not, you are entitled to wear anything appropriate for the work environment.
Workplaces have to be REALLY careful in telling people what to wear these days - you definitely could take this further if you wanted. I am wearing 3/4 trousers today - I would tell my boss I will see him in court if he told me they were inappropriate...!
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