Sunday, March 20, 2005

Whatever the Weather...

The weather the past four or five days has been absolutely brilliant! And by brilliant I mean sunny, dry and WARM! Yes, you heard it first here, temperatures in England can get to the high teens *gasp!*.

It's so nice to be able to go outside and not feel cold and, rather than wishing you'd worn an extra layer, be able to take one off! On our lunch break yesterday we went to a pub called the Moby Dick which is right on the Thames, which actually looked blue for the first time since I've been here, and the sun was shining and the weather was just perfect. It's lovely to get some fresh air and not freeze.

It also seems like the entire mood of the city has lifted with the weather change. People don't seem as grumpy on the tube, although they're still rude, and I have a feeling people are smiling more, or it could just be I'm delusional with happiness over the warm weather.

Anywho, I spoke to Linda last night who headed off today to live in Shanghai with her boyfriend for a while. That's got to be tough, living in a country where you don't know the language, but I'm sure they'll have an absolute blast and see lots of amazing things.

And I'm going to see Les Miserables tonight, which should be awesome - I've only ever seen in done in amateur productions (which were great!), so seeing a professional company do it I hope will be worth it. I've got a really good seat, but I think just being there, in London, seeing a show on the magnitude of Les Mis, will be enough to keep me happy.:)

And now, I've a very busy day ahead, so go away and don't bother me because I'm much too important;).


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