Sunday, July 20, 2008

Babies of all kinds

It's been a busy couple of months. First and foremost, dealing with a kitten who had some toilet-training issues (believe me - not pretty!). It's honestly like having a child. You clean up, and within a few hours the floor is littered with her 'toys' again. She has a liking for an old pair of stockings, balls of scrunched up paper, scarves, leaves...pretty much anything she can attack. My legs and arms still show the hallmarks of her efforts. Still - super cute! We're having a lot of fun having an animal around the house.

Speaking of babies, my niece Celeste is now more than three months old and getting chubby, which is what we all like to see in babies. She had her christening on the weekend, and I became one of her two godmothers (no godfathers). Ironic her parents chose an atheist as her godmother, but I'm pretty sure the whole idea of godparents has changed somewhat over the ages. Anywho, a good day had by all - very short church ceremony, followed by bbq lunch, cake, more cake, and barefoot bowls by the water at Wynnum. Oh, and Celeste was cute too.

In other news, I have a new job! That's right - I've left the shift work of Police behind and have embarked on a really exciting role in the Corporate world. I'm in a communications role (the only one they have, and newly-created) at a big construction company. It's a really great opportunity and so far it's working out really well.

Not too much else to report really...singing and ballet continue, pointe shoes are crushing my toenails, but it's all part of the fun! When I grow up, I'm going to be a ballerina.


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