Ah, Weekends, How I Love Thee...
This weekend has been very nice - relaxing and yet productive, all at the same time! Friday night I saved money by NOT going out and amusing myself by going to the gym and veging in front of the tellie. Boring, but I was so tired it was all I could be bothered doing.
Saturday morning I ran a few errands before going to Casey's place in Brockley to celebrate her birthday. It was a lovely afternoon of dodgy barbequeing and lots of Pimms. Mmmm, Pimms....
This morning I slept in nicely, before popping down to Clapham Common to relax and play silly games in the park with Casey and her two housemates, Emma and Rachel. It was a great afternoon - I heart Clapham Common so much! It's absolutely HUGE. Think the Botanic Gardens in Brisbane, and quadriple the size. Remove the poncey little gardens, have big green trees, beautiful big lawns and little lakes, and you've got yourself a common. The Wimbledon one is quite big too (no, I have not seen any Wombles yet!). The common at Clapham is a big antipodean hang-out, and today was no different. Lots and lots of people, heaps of Aussie accents floating around. Here are some photos:

Casey! Taken from me lying down...getting up was a whole lot of effort.

Rachel and Casey

Emma. One of the badges on her jacket reads 'Too Cool for School'...I think it's Irish humour;)

Me - again, taken lying down. A very nice position to be in on a nice day!
This evening I started packing up my room in earnest. Still a LOT to do, but much can't be done until next weekend when I actually remove myself from Ricards Road and pop on over to Putney. I'll miss this little flat! But I can't wait to get home and see everyone! Today marked two weeks until I hope on the plane, making it two weeks and two days til I'm back in lil ol' BrisVegas again...
This week holds a LOT of stuff for Melanie to do, including being very busy at work so that all my stuff is done before I leave, and a few other things on the agenda. But, at least if I'm busy, I won't be on the streets causing chaos.:D
Saturday morning I ran a few errands before going to Casey's place in Brockley to celebrate her birthday. It was a lovely afternoon of dodgy barbequeing and lots of Pimms. Mmmm, Pimms....
This morning I slept in nicely, before popping down to Clapham Common to relax and play silly games in the park with Casey and her two housemates, Emma and Rachel. It was a great afternoon - I heart Clapham Common so much! It's absolutely HUGE. Think the Botanic Gardens in Brisbane, and quadriple the size. Remove the poncey little gardens, have big green trees, beautiful big lawns and little lakes, and you've got yourself a common. The Wimbledon one is quite big too (no, I have not seen any Wombles yet!). The common at Clapham is a big antipodean hang-out, and today was no different. Lots and lots of people, heaps of Aussie accents floating around. Here are some photos:

Casey! Taken from me lying down...getting up was a whole lot of effort.

Rachel and Casey

Emma. One of the badges on her jacket reads 'Too Cool for School'...I think it's Irish humour;)

Me - again, taken lying down. A very nice position to be in on a nice day!
This evening I started packing up my room in earnest. Still a LOT to do, but much can't be done until next weekend when I actually remove myself from Ricards Road and pop on over to Putney. I'll miss this little flat! But I can't wait to get home and see everyone! Today marked two weeks until I hope on the plane, making it two weeks and two days til I'm back in lil ol' BrisVegas again...
This week holds a LOT of stuff for Melanie to do, including being very busy at work so that all my stuff is done before I leave, and a few other things on the agenda. But, at least if I'm busy, I won't be on the streets causing chaos.:D
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