Thursday, August 04, 2005

A First-Class, One-Way Ticket to Albuquerque

The craziness! Every few days or so they've been upping the number of cops patrolling the streets and railway stations. Today is one of those days - about 6,000 police throughout the city at travel points. Waterloo this morning was interesting. Picture a whole lot of bobbies in their bright yellow jackets walking around, up and down escalators, on trains and off again... and then the ones holding semi-automatic weapons.

You kind of get into this self-concious quandry though, because you can't help but stare at these weapons, but then you don't want to look nervous or dodgy, so you try NOT to look nervous or dodgy and just achieve the complete opposite effect. Luckily I'm a white little girl, so they don't really look on me with suspicion. You end up just feeling very nervy when the apparent aim of this exercise is to make commuters feel more confident and safe!

In other news, last night's netball game went well - we won! We had a new player and she hadn't played for years, and she's a tiny little thing but we had to put her in GK because we don't have enough defense players any more and she didn't really remember the rules. So considering that, she played quite well and we obviously played well enough to win. Got a bit rough though, but that's nothing new:D.

This weekend it's Casey's birthday BBQ which should be rockin', and there's also been a few other birthdays this week, so a shout out to:

JODY - Happy Birthday!

MIKE - Happy Birthday!

CASEY - Happy Birthday!

And yesterday marked three weeks til I'm back in Oz, so it's now 2 weeks, 6 days til I touch down in good ol' BrisVegas. Can't wait!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me an A-L-B-U-QUERQUE!

I love Wierd Al...

3:57 pm  

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