Saturday, September 24, 2005

Flat hunting

After surviving - barely - the horrible flight back to London, which included two stop-overs, I'm now back into the groove of looking for a place to live. Which would be much easier if I actually had my deposit back from my previous flat.

I was talking to Casey earlier, who is moving to Dublin this week, and we were both lamenting over being poor and how ridiculous and frustrating it is that everything in life has to revolve around money in some way. We were going to go to Stonehenge tomorrow but it's just going to be too expensive to get there. So instead we've opted for a wander around Hyde Park and a picnic. We've decided that one weekend, perhaps, she and Emma and Rachel will pop on over from Dublin and we'll hire a car and split the costs to do a road trip of sorts. Assuming it all goes to plan we'll encompass Stonehenge on the way, possibly go to Stratford-Upon-Avon and whatever else we can fit in.

That's the plan for now, anyway. In the meantime, it's sorting out tax, an NI number and finding a flat. *Sigh!* I'm quite sure I didn't sign up for this!!!


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