Thursday, September 15, 2005

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

Now begins the start of my last week in Oz. It's gone so quickly! I've been super busy - it doesn't really feel like a holiday, just three or four weeks of too much alcohol and food:D.

Anyway! My last few days here I'm pretty much fully-booked. Tonight I'm off to dinner with Alice before we head to the valley for Kareoke night at Belushi's! Tomorrow morning it's morning tea with Michelle and a few other people, tomorrow night it's dinner with ma girlies at our favourite restaurant, Gertie's, on Brunswick Street. Saturday morning there's a high possibility of Yum Cha occurring, followed by Saturday night at Andy's with the old Shinga girls for a good ol' piss-up. Sunday morning is Yum Cha in the Valley with the Adkins and my sister and Jeff. Sunday arvo is coffee with Tony, the night is recovery.:D

Monday night I'm off to see Alice's theatre group rehearse their latest production - Oklahoma - as I won't be able to see the full production. And Tuesday night is dinner with the family for a pow-wow before I hop on a plane Wednesday afternoon, bound for sunny England!

Whew! In amongst all of that I've got to do some things for work.

Of late, I've been doing much partying in the Valley and lots of shopping and doing lunch/dinner with people. Yesterday I went with Cat and her mum to this awesome Turkish restaurant at South Bank (for the uninitiated, South Bank is this huge parklands by the Brisbane river, on opposite side to the city central. It has a freshwater lagoon and a mini beach, along with lots of play equipment and cafes and things - very nice place to hang out when it's NOT school holidays!). We ate SO much! Which didn't stop me from having afternoon tea with my Pop, who is looking much more sprightly, and dinner with Mitch and Kim at Balmoral, followed by Cold Rock of course! God I love Cold Rock ice-cream.... *drools*

Anywho, for those who don't come from my neck of the woods, I took a few photos of the Wynnum-Manly waterfront the other day when I went down there for a run. Wynnum (known to us locals as 'The 'Num') has a reputation for old people, and young derros. Although it's come up a lot in the world in the past 15 years particularly, there's still a bit of work to be done on the locals.:D Hence why I moved to the north side of town as soon as the opportunity presented itself! It really is a lovely place, with an interesting history. We just need to get rid of the white trash.:D Okay I'll shut up - here are the photos:

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In the background you can see St Helena Island, which was originally a convict colony. Lots of ruins there now, mostly a tourist attraction. There's a stack of islands in the bay, including the big ones like North Stradbroke and Moreton Island, and little ones like Coochimudloo, Green and King.

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Tide's out! On the right is the bathing pool. It's tidal - rises and falls with the sea - and was built during the depression. As kids we used to go down there after school. Bit of a problem with broken glass and horrible things in the bottom of it though.

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Random image of pier.

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Random image of Pandanus Beach.

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Hey look - seagulls!

On a completely unrealted note, I've now added links to my blog (with thanks to Jaimee!).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, linkage!

10:22 pm  

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