Friday, January 11, 2008

The Contraband Shorts of Dischord

What's wrong with this picture?

There's no bacon.

Also, apparently what I'm wearing in this photo is inappropriate for work. Or, more specifically, the shorts/trousers are apparently inappropriate.

Yes, today I was told not to wear these again as they are inappropriate for work. Despite the fact that they're pin-striped, cuffed, AND part of a suit (didn't wear the jacket - too hot) that I got from a rather nice store.

I questioned this of course - why are these appropriate when some of the girls wander in in little short skirts? 'Oh we'll be pulling up on that too, soon.'


So, the top of our priority list is not the low staff morale, the high staff turnover, the lack of understanding of 'duty of care'. No, that's right, it's girls wearing 'shorts'.

So the question is - do YOU think this in inappropriate? I'm interested in your thoughts.

Basically, it's on. 'Bring It On' style. Minus the cheerleaders.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow, can't believe it's 2008 already! Has been a whirlwind. A quick recap:

  • Jobs - started a job at the University of the Sunshine Coast in January, where I worked for a few months before land my current job with QPS. The shiftwork is rough, but the work is always interesting.
  • Travel - not as much as I'd like, to be honest. A trip to NZ early in the year was sadly brought on by the devastating circumstances of my friend Cath's passing in London. However there was a cheerier trip to Canberra to visit Alice and Kirri later in the year, and much fun was had!
  • Home - after living for a few months with my sister and her husband, I finally moved out to a nice little unit at Manly West which I share with my housemate Casey. All is well in the jungle!
  • Study - I decided to go back to uni and so enrolled in a Graduation Certificate in Communication. Only did one subject last semester, but got a 7 for it which is a good sign! I'm hoping to change to a Masters degree now. May as well go all the way!
  • Hobbies - still gymming it up, and last year I added distance running to my repetoire as Leah and I completed the 12k Bridge to Brisbane run. Hooray for us! Injury, however, is hampering my continuing with this sport. We started a regular tennis game for a while, but come winter when it got chilly outside we got lazy. I've also taken up singing lessons this year, and progress is being made!
  • Family - we were all really excited this year to learn my sister is expecting her first child in April this year. I'll be an aunty - the best one ever, of course. My lil sis finished high school, my bro started his undergrad, and all is well.
Anywho, to celebrate 2008 a few of us headed to a masked ball at Gianni's at Portside last night. Much fun and merriment was had by all, and we got to witness a scrag fight too which was awesome, totally made my night!

To celebrate Christmas, we had breakfast at Ma's with her side of the family - waffles with ice-cream and maple syrup, fruit, bacon and eggs... mmm I ate so much, it was great! Lunch was then at my housemate's family's place, where more food was eaten - loads of seafood and barbequed goodness. Then back to mum's for a roast turkey dinner, more seafood, and desserts. Much food, pressies, and lots of fun with the family. Good times!

As for 2008, I'm hoping it will bring a bit more travel around Oz - planning trips for Airlie Beach, country Queensland, and hopefully Melbourne and Sydney. And we'll see where else I end up going...

Wishing everyone a fab New Year!