10 Weeks and Three Days to go...
So today I started getting a bit more organised on a couple of fronts.
Firstly, I've found three unis that offer cross-institutional correspondence courses, and I've picked a few subjects from each that don't have exams. You have to pay some ridiculous amount to sit your exams in a different country. You have to pay for the courier, the examiner and the room hire. It's phenomenal how much it is!
But yes.
E-mails have been sent to University of Melbourne, University of NSW, and Monash Uni.
Also I've arranged to have a key card for my Award Saver account, so that I can use that overseas. Also I'm going to close my heritage account, so I've changed my pay details so that my pay now goes to my CBA account, and I rang World Vision to organise changing my direct debit ot that account too.
Everything's comin' up Milhouse.
And Alice is e-mailing me again:D.
Tomorrow morning I'm going to get my passport photos taken ... not for my passport, but for my visa application. Then all I have to do is wait for my bank statement to arrive and HUZZAH! It's all good. N stuff.
I've also finally talked to Cat, and she's probably going away just before me, and then will be back just before I leave.
It's all very higgildy-piddily. But yes. Will pay the final amount off my tickets in a week-and-a-half.
I've also decided to sell my car just before I go, and I intend to sell it for more than I bought it for.:) Good business this.
And now, back to work. I've been so busy today!