Friday, October 29, 2004


Okay, so apparently one has to send their visa application to the consulate in CANBERRA, the one in BRISBANE can't handle it.



8 Weeks and 4 days to go ...
What a productive day it's been so far! Went and got an x-ray, went to medicare, i've filled out a few forms here and I'm about to head off to Indooroopilly to pick up a letter from the travel agent. Then it's to the city to update my driver's licence and hand in my visa application.
I must away!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

A post for ME!:)

8 Weeks and Five Days to go...
So this post is mostly for my benefit, for there are many things I have to do tomorrow and this is the best way of keeping track of them.
Stuff to do tomorrow, my day off, includes:
  • Appointment for X-ray at Indooroopilly at 9.15am;
  • Visa application - hand in at Waterfront Place;
  • Driver's Licence - update to Open Licence - Elizabeth Street;
  • Medicare - claim back on yesterday's dentist's appointment and possibly my x-ray tomorrow; and
  • Drop off scrapbooking stuff to my sister.

And at the end of all of this? Broke for another two weeks.


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Much to do, little time and little money with which to do it...

8 Weeks and 6 Days to go ....

I procured a make-up/hair case for my travels on the weekend, courtesy of the lovely people who make things for Target at Capalaba. It's perfect - lots of compartments and the like. It's all about compartments people.
I've also decided I want to take my laptop overseas with me, for the purposes of e-mail and the like when I find somewhere to live. So that's going to be another thing to carry on board - another heavy thing - but these things happen. Or something.
This week = PAY WEEK! WOOT! Which therefore = PAYING OFF MY TICKETS!:D Which means picking up my tickets, because I am cool. It also means organising my Visa, and ultimately being extremely poor for the next two weeks. However, these are the two major steps that need to be done - and paid for - and so the resulting poorness is justified.
I'm hungry.
Oh, and I have an appointment with an oral surgeon this morning about my wisdom teeth, so hopefully I'll be able to get those out before I go as well.
And I should probably think about getting my open license, seeing as my current licence expires on the 5th of November.... Probably should think about it ... probabably...
AND NOW - I am el hungry, and therefore must eat and drink and be merry.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

All things bright and beautiful....

9 weeks and 5 days...
It's incredible that only three unis on the East Coast seem to offer external course. They're a bunch of pooheads. However, UNE seems to be the way to go and it offers a couple of courses that I'm interested in. And their website features the class requirements and assessment requirements for both internal AND external students. IT'S AMAZING.
So I've drafted a letter, filled out with I think is the appropriate form for UNE, and sent of my application for my academic transcript.
Now all I have to do is survive on five dollars until next pay.
It's doable....

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Just waitin'...

10 Weeks to go...

So I got my passport photos taken on Saturday for my visa application. I wasn't allowed to smile, so it looks like a mug shot. And I wasn't wearing make-up either, which really didn't help the situation.

Now I'm just waiting for my bank statement to arrive so that I can actually send in my application.

This is all still kind of surreal:/.

And yet totally AWESOME at the same time:D. I've hand-written a list of things to pack and do, but I think I'll type one up to fill in the time today:D.

And now, STUFF.

Saturday, October 16, 2004


10 Weeks and 2 days to go...
There is no spoon.
In other news, today is the day of getting passport photos taken for my visa application.
This is all.

Friday, October 15, 2004

More English-Involved things...

10 Weeks and Three Days to go...
So today I started getting a bit more organised on a couple of fronts.
Firstly, I've found three unis that offer cross-institutional correspondence courses, and I've picked a few subjects from each that don't have exams. You have to pay some ridiculous amount to sit your exams in a different country. You have to pay for the courier, the examiner and the room hire. It's phenomenal how much it is!
But yes.
E-mails have been sent to University of Melbourne, University of NSW, and Monash Uni.
Also I've arranged to have a key card for my Award Saver account, so that I can use that overseas. Also I'm going to close my heritage account, so I've changed my pay details so that my pay now goes to my CBA account, and I rang World Vision to organise changing my direct debit ot that account too.
Everything's comin' up Milhouse.
And Alice is e-mailing me again:D.
Tomorrow morning I'm going to get my passport photos taken ... not for my passport, but for my visa application. Then all I have to do is wait for my bank statement to arrive and HUZZAH! It's all good. N stuff.
I've also finally talked to Cat, and she's probably going away just before me, and then will be back just before I leave.
It's all very higgildy-piddily. But yes. Will pay the final amount off my tickets in a week-and-a-half.
I've also decided to sell my car just before I go, and I intend to sell it for more than I bought it for.:) Good business this.
And now, back to work. I've been so busy today!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

And the countdown begins...

10 Weeks and Four Days to go...

So I was kind of planning on getting a few things done today, but work has been busy for once *shock horror!*. However, thanks to the beautiful Princess Alice, I have been able to order a bank statement to support my visa application. And I'm about to shoot off an e-mail to uni asking what I have to do to do uni by correspondance next year.

All very important stuff.

Other things I have to do:

  • Talk to Cat about what's happening with El Flatto
  • Decide on what to do with my car - I'm thinking of selling it just before I go.
  • Dance.
  • Organise the final payment for my ticket.
  • Get references, my portfolio and all that sort of stuff organised.
  • Dance some more.
  • Get passport photos taken for my visa.
  • Get my open license organised, seeing as this one expires on November 5.
  • Somehow find the money for all these things.

But everything will be FINE.


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The Beginning

Okay, so this blog has been created OFFICIALLY for the beginning of My English Adventure series.

So as it gets closer and closer I'll do the whole countdown thing, and let you in a few secrets as well!

Who am I kidding? I have no secrets!

So no LJ while I'm away, just pure

How exciting.