It would appear that four weeks of partying, no sleep and a little too much fun has left me feeling a little under the weather. Not exactly ideal, given I'm going to get on a plane tomorrow for a ridiculous amount of time. But what can you do? I'll make sure to have a healthy breakfast this morning followed by a concoction of vitamins and see how we do.
The last four weeks have absolutely flown by - it's been mad! I had a lovely dinner with Leah and Alice on Friday night at our favourite - and fairly expensive - restaurant at New Farm. Cocktails, Tapas, champagne and cheese - what more does a girl need?!
Me, Alice and Leah at Girties.Thursday night held much boogie for us all! We started off at Belushi's but the really poor standard of kareoke was annoying us. So we wandered off to Birdy Num Nums - silly name, but AWESOME club. We danced until the wee hours of the morning, and the DJ played the song that Jess and I go nuts to. (read: whenever Chrissie Agger's 'Dirty' comes on, we're on the podiums, or the stage or the table ... whatever's closest!) So a good night was had by all. Unfortunately, that was the last time I am going to see Kerrin and Jess for a long time:(.
Cat decides she rather likes the look of Mitch's boobs
Now that he's on TV, Kerrin must take up the majority of all photos;). He's smilin' with Leah and Jess
Mitch had to do the hard yards and snuggle up to two girls (Alice and Cat) - sigh! It's so tough being popular sometimes!
Me with Cat
Me and ma girliesSaturday night Andy, my old 'boss' at the Garden City Shingle Inn, organised a few drinks at his house with the old Shinga gang and it went off with a 'bang' - literally! Matthew, Cam's boyfriend, managed to procure a few fireworks. I felt like a such a teenager again - total flashback! - walking around the streets at night down to the park to set off fireworks. Kinda weird, I'm too old for that stuff now! I was freaking out!!!! Andy and his wife, Sara, will be coming to the UK in a couple of weeks for a holiday. I'm going to give them Mel's Illustrious Walking Tour du Londres when they get to London. Also, Kimmy and her new hubby Simon will be heading to Old Blighty come December. Simon's from Reading, and is Andy's cousin. I'll be giving Kimmy a shopping tour when she gets there.
Sunday morning was Yum Cha - it was meant to be with the entire Adkins clan, but they cancelled last minute. Sarah and her fiancee, Bradley, still came along and Yum Cha'd with Michelle, Jeff and I, and we had a lovely morning stuffing ourselves. After that, we wandered the Valley Markets before heading into the city. I said goodbye to Sarah (again, won't be seeing her for a while) before having coffee with Tony and saying my goodbyes to him.
Yesterday Ammie and I did some groceries, visited my Pop (who is looking much more sprightly!) before heading down to the waterfront for a long walk and a D&M while sitting on the Pier. It was really awesome weather - the sky was perfect, and the tide was out so we wandered out onto the mudflats and took in the scenery. As Ammie said, if there was any place in the world to be right at that point, it was where we were. It was just gorgeous.
Last night I went to see the dress rehearsal of Alice's theatre group's latest production - Oklahoma! It went really well, I rather enjoyed it. Very colourful, and their leading ladies have beautiful voices. Again it was goodbyes to people.
Today will be pretty much packing and washing. My sister has bestowed on me the fabulous gift of a full body massage *drools* this afternoon. Then tonight will be dinner with all my family.
Back at work on Friday with any luck. I have to catch up with
Casey this weekend before she heads off to Ireland, as well as look for flats. Eeek! A very very busy time ahead....